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Pakistan | Family List | Brassicaceae

Spirorrhynchus Kar. & Kir. in Bull.Soc.Nat.Mosc. 15 :159. 1842. Benth. & Hook. f., l.c. 95; Boiss., l.c. 385; Vas. in Kom., l.c. 241 ; Jafri in Notes Roy. Bot.Gard. Edin.22:117.1956; Hedge in Rech.f, l.c. 124.

Spirorrhynchus sabulosus

Credit: Azmat

  • Anguillicarpus Burkill

    Annual herbs, branched, erect, tall, glabrous, or sparsely papillose. Leaves narrowly linear; lower pinnatipartite or sinuate-toothed; upper ± entire, sessile or subsessile. Racemes lax, few flowered, ebracteate. Flowers small, yellowish-whitish or yellowish-lilac; pedicel filiform, elongated, ± deflexed in fruit. Sepals not saccate, narrowly oblong. Petals linear, more than twice as long as the sepals. Stamens 6; filaments linear, free, or those of inner four sometimes connate at the base in pairs; anthers of smaller outer stamens short, blunt, often sterile, those of inner four long, acute and fertile. Lateral nectar glands almost semi-annular, open towards the inner side; middle ones present, joining the laterals, thickened in the middle. Ovary narrowly ellipsoid, 2-ovuled, with almost equally long, sterile, narrowly cylindrical apical part ending in short, sub-bilobed stigma. Fruit spindle-shaped, with narrow, elongated, often vriously curved, slender ends; body unilocular, indehiscent; valves thickened, terete, rugose; seed 1, oblong; radicle incumbent.

    A monotypic genus in C. and W.Asia, Iran and Pakistan.

    Lower Taxon

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