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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 4 | Phytolaccaceae

1. Agdestis Sessé & Moçiño ex de Candolle, Syst. Nat. 1: 511, 543. 1817.

[A mythi-cal hermaphrodite monster, in reference to the original inclusion in Menispermaceae, where it was the only genus with bisexual flowers]

Vines, perennial, semiwoody. Leaves alternate. Inflorescences terminal or axillary panicles, mostly 50-100-flowered. Flowers epigynous (hypogynous in all other genera); sepals 4(-5); stamens 15-20; carpels (3-)4, connate at least halfway proximally; ovary inferior (3-)4-locular, eventually 1-locular by abortion of septa; style 1; stigmas (3-)4. Fruits cypselas, turbinate, crowned by winglike sepals. Seed 1, by abortion of other (2-)3 ovules.

Species 1: North America, Mexico, Central America.

Lower Taxon


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