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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 12 | Malvaceae

9. Herissantia Medikus, Vorles. Churpfälz. Phys.-Ökon. Ges. 4: 244. 1788.

泡果苘属 pao guo qing shu

Bastardia [unranked] Gayoides Endlicher; Beloere Shuttleworth ex A. Gray; Bogenhardia Reichenbach; Gayoides (Endlicher) Small; Pseudobastardia Hassler.

Herbs, subshrubs, or shrubs, erect or decumbent, pubescent or hirsute, sometimes viscid. Leaves petiolate (sometimes subsessile); stipules minute, subulate, caducous; leaf blade ovate or cordate, margin dentate, without foliar nectaries. Flowers often solitary in leaf axils or on several-flowered peduncles; involucel absent. Calyx lobes lanceolate or ovate. Petals white. Filament tube antheriferous at apex, not exserted; anthers 1-thecate. Ovary 10-14-locular; styles 10-14; stigmas capitate. Fruit a schizocarp, oblate, inflated, pendulous; mericarps 10-14, pubescent or hispid, with fragile walls, dehiscent, 1-3-seeded. Seeds glabrous or minutely scabridulous. x = 7.

About six species: Neotropics, except for one pantropical weed; one species (introduced) in China.

Lower Taxon


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