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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 28 | Neckeraceae

3. Homalia Bridel, Bryol. Univ. 1: xlvi, 2: 325, 763, 807, 812. 1827. (as Omalia), name and orthography conserved • [Greek homalos, even or level, alluding to strongly complanate leaves].

Inés Sastre-De Jesús

Plants medium-sized, shelf-forming, green to yellowish green, shiny. Stems creeping, sparsely to irregularly branched; paraphyllia absent. Secondary stem and branch leaves erect-spreading, oblong-ovate to oblong-obovate, asymmetric, flat; margins entire proximally, serrulate to serrate at apex, teeth not recurved; apex rounded, obtuse, or obtuse-apiculate; costa single [double, very short]; laminal cells rounded-hexagonal to linear, walls porose or not. Sexual condition autoicous [synoicous or dioicous]; ; perichaetial inner leaves ovate [broadly lanceolate]. Seta 1-1.5[-2] cm. Capsule oblong-cylindric [oblong-ovoid]; exostome teeth lanceolate, densely cross striate and papillose basally, vertically papillose and hyaline distally; endostome basal membrane well developed, segments smooth proximally, papillose distally. Spores 11-14[-16] µm.

Species 5 (1 in the flora): North America, Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America (Brazil), Europe, Asia.

In the field, species of Homalia are easily distinguished by the flat stems and glossy plants. Pseudoparaphyllia are absent in plants in the flora area, but may be present in extrafloral species.

SELECTED REFERENCE He, S. 1997. A revision of Homalia (Musci: Neckeraceae). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 81: 1-52.

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