211. Ampelaster G. L. Nesom, Phytologia. 77: 250. 1995.
[Greek ampelos, vine, alluding to habit, and generic name Aster]
John C. Semple
Aster Linnaeus sect. Sagittiferi A. Gray in A. Gray et al., Syn. Fl. N. Amer. 1(2): 179. 1884; Aster sect. Caroliniani Small; Lasallea Greene subsect. Carolinianae (Small) Semple & Brouillet; Virgulus Rafinesque sect. Sagittiferi (A. Gray) Reveal & Keener
Shrubs, 100–400 cm (clambering, sprawling, or vinelike, deciduous or evergreen by production of new growth; sometimes clonal by adventitious roots on branches in contact with soil, these becoming separated). Stems scandent, widely and diffusely branched, sparsely to densely short-pilose or hirsute, especially distally, eglandular. Leaves cauline; alternate; sessile; blades 1-nerved, elliptic or oblanceolate to lanceolate or ovate, margins entire, faces sparsely to moderately pilose. Heads radiate, in paniculiform arrays. Involucres turbino-campanulate, 8–12 × 8.5–21 mm. Phyllaries 30–50 , in 5–6 series, spreading to reflexed, 1-nerved (midnerves ± raised, especially proximally, ± translucent yellow-brown to golden brown, less prominent distally; ± flat) , outer linear-lanceolate to spatulate, inner linear-attenuate , strongly unequal, proximally whitish, herbaceous distally (green zone restricted to apical 1 / 4 or less), margins hyaline proximally (sometimes reddish), abaxial faces sparsely to moderately pilose. Receptacles flat to slightly rounded, pitted (margins irregular), epaleate. Ray florets 30–50(–70), pistillate, fertile; corollas pale rose-purple to pale pink. Disc florets 30–50, bisexual, fertile; corollas yellow becoming rose-purple, weakly ampliate, tubes shorter than narrowly cylindro-campanulate throats, lobes 5, erect, triangular; style-branch appendages narrowly triangular. Cypselae narrowly cylindric to fusiform, not compressed, 9–12-ribbed (whitish, raised), faces glabrous; pappi persistent, of 30–45, light stramineous to faintly rust-orange, barbellate bristles in 2(–3) series (outermost of 0–5 midlength attenuate bristles, outer of long, distally attenuate ones, slightly shorter than inner weakly clavate ones). x = 9.
Species 1: se United States.