5. Campyloneurum C. Presl, Tent. Pterid. 189. 1836.
Strap ferns [Greek kampylos, curved, and neuron, nerve, in reference to the venation]
Clifton E. Nauman
Plants epiphytic. Stems short- to long-creeping, branched, 2--10 mm diam., sometimes whitish pruinose; scales brown, ovate, often clathrate, entire. Leaves monomorphic, tufted, conspicuously narrowed to tip, to 150 cm. Petiole absent or present, articulate to stem. Blade linear to lanceolate or elliptic, simple, glabrous, sparsely scaly, margins entire; scales clathrate, basifixed. Primary veins connected by 1--several secondary veins (cross veins), forming 1--several areoles between each pair of primary veins, areoles with 1--4 excurrent veinlets, sometimes these excurrent veinlets dividing areoles completely. Sori in 1--10 rows between midrib and margin, terminal on included veinlets, discrete, round; indument absent. Spores verrucose to nearly psilate. x = 37.
Species ca. 25--50 (4 in the flora): tropical, North America, Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America.
Eaton, A. A. 1906. Pteridophytes observed during three excursions into southern Florida. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 33: 455--486. Lellinger, D. B. 1988. Some new species of Campyloneurum and a provisional key to the genus. Amer. Fern J. 78: 14--34.