6. Saururaceae E. Meyer
Lizard's-tail Family
George F. Buddell II & John W. Thieret
Herbs , perennial, rhizomatous, aromatic, glabrous to pubescent, in wet places. Stems simple or branched; vascular strands in 1(-2) ring(s). Leaves basal and/or cauline, alternate, simple; stipules present, adnate to petioles; petioles usually present. Leaf blade: margins entire. Inflorescences terminal, compact, conic spikes or lax, spikelike racemes terminal and/or opposite leaves. Flowers bisexual; perianth absent, each flower subtended by nonpeltate bract; stamens (3-)6(-8), hypogynous or epigynous; anther 2-locular; pistil 1, 3-5(-7)-carpellate; ovary 1- or 3-5(-7)-locular; placentation parietal or marginal; ovules 2 or 18-40; styles and stigmas distinct. Fruits capsules or schizocarps. Seeds 1 or many (-40); endosperm scanty; perisperm abundant; embryo minute.
Genera 5, species 7 (2 genera, 2 species in the flora): North America, Central America, Asia.
Engler, H. G. A. 1888. Saururaceae. In: H. G. A. Engler and K. Prantl, eds. 1887-1915. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien.... 254 fasc. Leipzig. Fasc. 14[III,1], pp. 1-3. Raju, M. V. S. 1961. Morphology and anatomy of the Saururaceae. I. Floral anatomy and embryology. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 48: 107-124. Wood, C. E. Jr. 1971b. The Saururaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 52: 479-485.