27. Horsfordia A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts. 22: 296. 1887. [For Frederick Hinsdale Horsford, 1855–1923, Vermont farmer and commercial seedsman, and probably also for Eben Norton Horsford, 1818–1893, chemist].
John La Duke
[Herbs] shrubs, hairy. Stems erect, stellate-tomentose or stellate-scabrous. Leaves petiolate to sessile distally; stipules deciduous, linear to subulate; blade ovate to triangular or lanceolate to included, anthers at apex; ovules 1 per cell, 1–3 per carpel; styles 6–11-branched; stigmas capitate. Fruits schizocarps, sometimes on reflexed, jointed pedicel, spheric to subspheric, indurate; mericarps
Species 4 (2 in flora): sw United States, nw Mexico.
[6–]9 or 10[or 11], ± 2-celled, winged, flared at papery apex, lower cell rugose, stellate-hairy, sparsely hirsute, indehiscent, endoglossum absent, upper cell smooth, dehiscent apically. Seeds 1 in rugose portion, 1 or 2 apically, sometimes abortive, glabrous or minutely hairy. x = 15.
1 |
Petals rose, pink, or lavender, 12–21 mm; mericarp wings lanceolate; seeds minutely scabridulous. |
1 Horsfordia alata |
+ |
Petals yellow or sometimes pale orange, 6–9 mm; mericarp wings ovate; seeds densely short-pubescent. |
2 Horsfordia newberryi |
Lower Taxa
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