28. Iliamna Greene, Leafl. Bot. Observ. Crit. 1: 206. 1906.
Globe mallow, wild hollyhock [Derivation uncertain; perhaps after Lake Iliamna in Alaska] Globe mallow, wild hollyhock [Derivation uncertain; perhaps after Lake Iliamna in Alaska]
David M. Bates
Subshrubs or perennial herbs, often woody at base, glabrate to densely pubescent, hairs variously stellate to simple. Stems solitary to many, erect or ascending, rarely decumbent. distinct. Flowers: calyx somewhat accrescent or not, not inflated, lobes not strongly ribbed, lanceolate to ovate or ovate-triangular; corolla campanulate to subrotate, whitish or pinkish to rose-purple, exceeding calyx; staminal column ± included; filaments terminal and subterminal; ovary (6–)10–15( or 16)-carpellate; ovules 2 or 3(or 4) per carpel; styles (6–)10–15(or 16)-branched, (branches equal in number to carpels); stigmas terminal, obliquely capitate. Fruits schizocarps, erect, not inflated, subglobose, apically retuse, moderately indurate; mericarps (6–)10–15(or 16), drying black, 1-celled, oblong in lateral view, rounded at apex, thin-walled, smooth laterally, without dorsal spur, densely pubescent dorsally and apically with coarse, hirsute, velutinous simple hairs overlaying stellate hairs, sides smooth, glabrous, dehiscence loculicidal except ventral-basally where joined to columella by vascular bundles. Seeds 2 or 3(or 4) per mericarp, reniform to obovate-reniform, glabrate or puberulent marginally with simple, white to tawny hairs 1–2 mm. x = 33.
Species 8 (8 in the flora): North America.
Iliamna comprises one widespread species of the mountainous West (I. rivularis), and seven local species (two eastern and five western) differing principally but modestly in pubescence, leaf, involucellar bractlet, and calyx characters, and exhibiting varying degrees of intergradation. All, with the exception of I. bakeri, are species of relatively mesic, open woodlands, scrub, and meadows, often along stream banks. Each of the species apparently regenerates following disturbance or fire, sometimes in dense stands.
SELECTED REFERENCES Bodo Slotta, T. A., and D. M. Porter. 2006. Genetic variation within and between Iliamna corei and I. remota (Malvaceae): Implications for species delimitation. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 151: 345–354. Wiggins, I. L. 1936. A resurrection and revision of the genus Iliamna Greene. Contr. Dudley Herb. 1: 213–229.