252. Leuciva Rydberg in N. L. Britton et al., N. Amer. Fl. 33: 8. 1922.
Woolly sumpweed [Greek leuc-, white, and Iva, a related genus, perhaps alluding to white indument of leaves]
John L. Strother
Perennials (sometimes flowering in first year), 20–60+ cm. Stems erect, branching from bases and/or distally. Leaves cauline; mostly alternate; petiolate; blades lanceolate to oblanceolate, laciniately pinnately lobed, abaxial faces ± lanate, adaxial ± tomentose, both usually gland-dotted. Heads discoid or disciform, in (ebracteate) paniculiform arrays. Involucres ± hemispheric, 2–4+ mm diam. Phyllaries persistent, 5+ in 1(–2) series, distinct, outer 5 herbaceous, inner 0 or scarious to membranous. Receptacles convex, epaleate. Pistillate florets 0 or 3–5; corollas whitish, tubular, or 0. Functionally staminate florets 5–12+; corollas whitish, funnelform, lobes 5, erect (filaments connate, anthers coherent or distinct). Receptacles convex, epaleate. Cypselae pyriform, ± obcompressed, densely gland-dotted; pappi 0. x = 18?
Species 1: sw United States, n Mexico.
Lower Taxon
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