9. Monotropsis Schweinitz in S. Elliott, Sketch Bot. S. Carolina. 1: 478. 1817.
[Genus Monotropa and Greek -opsis, resemblance]
Gary D. Wallace
Herbs, achlorophyllous, heterotrophic. Stems absent. Leaves absent. Inflorescences racemes, arched at emergence from soil, becoming erect in fruit, axis fleshy but not fibrous, usually not persistent after seed dispersal, violet to purple, 0.1-0.4 cm diam. proximal to proximalmost flower. Pedicels nodding at anthesis, erect but not elongating in fruit; bracteoles usually present. Flowers radially symmetric, nodding; sepals 5, distinct, lanceolate-ovate; petals 5, connate, purplish to violet, without basal tubercles, (surfaces ± glabrous), corolla campanulate; intrastaminal nectary disc present; stamens 10, included; filaments uniformly slender, glabrous; anthers ovoid, without awns, without tubules, dehiscent by 2 oval slits; pistil 5-carpellate; ovary 1-locular; placentation intruded-parietal; style straight, slender; stigma capitate, angular, without subtending ring of hairs. Fruits baccate, erect, (fleshy), indehiscent, (axis fleshy). Seeds 25-200, ovoid, not winged.
Species 1: e, se United States.
SELECTED REFERENCE Copeland, H. F. 1939. The structure of Monotropsis and the classification of the Monotropoideae. Madroño 5: 105-119.