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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 2 | Lycopodiaceae

5. Palhinhaea Vasconcellos & Franco, Bol. Soc. Brot. ser. 2, 41: 24. 1967.

Nodding club-moss [for R. T. Palhinha (1871--1950), a Portuguese botanist]

Plants on substrate surface, resembling small, many-branched tree. Roots emerging immediately on underside of stems. Horizontal stems branching, stolonlike, rooting where they touch ground. Upright shoots usually 1 to each arch of horizontal stems, to 3.5 mm diam., unequally, dichotomously branched with well-differentiated lateral branchlets much branched. Leaves not in distinct ranks, not imbricate, monomorphic, generally ascending, linear-needlelike, margin entire. Gemmiferous branchlets and gemmae absent. Strobili solitary, sessile, nodding to pendent, tip blunt; sporophylls smaller than vegetative leaves. Sporangia nearly globose. Spore surface rugulate; sides convex at equator. Gametophytes photosynthetic, on substrate surface, pincushion-shaped; ring meristem absent.

Species 10--15 (1 in the flora): mainly pantropical and subtropical.

Palhinhaea is a very common genus in Lycopodiaceae worldwide.

Lower Taxon


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