1 |
Leaves 2-ranked; inflorescence 1--2(--3)-flowered. |
(2) |
+ |
Leaves many-ranked; inflorescence more than 3-flowered. |
(3) |
2 (1) |
Stems elongate, plants forming pendent festoons; inflorescence reduced to single, apparently sessile flower, scape concealed within leaf sheath; petals yellow-green |
1 Tillandsia usneoides |
+ |
Stems short, plants densely clustered to form spheric masses; inflorescence of (1--)2(--3) flowers, scape conspicuous; petals violet |
2 Tillandsia recurvata |
3 (1) |
Floral bracts spreading and / or small, exposing most of rachis at anthesis. |
(4) |
+ |
Floral bracts imbricate, broad, covering all or most of rachis, rachis not visible at anthesis. |
(5) |
4 (3) |
Leaves 10--20, spirally twisted, banded silver; floral bracts 2.3--3.1 cm; inflorescences with 2--6 flowers per branch; corolla pink to dark rose |
14 Tillandsia flexuosa |
+ |
Leaves greater than 20 in number, not twisted or banded (rarely variegated with linear cream stripes); floral bracts 1.2--2 cm; inflorescence with 6--11 flowers per branch; corolla white |
15 Tillandsia utriculata |
5 (3) |
Leaf sheath conspicuously inflated; plants pseudobulbous. |
(6) |
+ |
Leaf sheath flat or only slightly inflated; plants not pseudobulbous. |
(10) |
6 (5) |
Leaf blade channeled to involute; scapes 8--35 cm; floral bracts glabrous to inconspicuously scaly near apex only. |
(7) |
+ |
Leaf blade involute; scapes 1--15 cm; floral bracts densely scaly. |
(8) |
7 (6) |
Leaf blade and scape bracts twisted, reflexed |
6 Tillandsia balbisiana |
+ |
Leaf blade and scape bracts erect to spreading |
7 Tillandsia x smalliana |
8 (6) |
Scape 7--15 cm; plants from extreme s Texas |
3 Tillandsia baileyi |
+ |
Scape 6 cm or less; plants from Florida. |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Inflorescence linear to narrowly elliptic; base of floral bracts visible at anthesis |
4 Tillandsia paucifolia |
+ |
Inflorescence broadly elliptic; base of floral bracts not visible at anthesis |
5 Tillandsia pruinosa |
10 (5) |
Leaf blade obviously narrowly triangular, tapering evenly from base to apex. |
(11) |
+ |
Leaf blade linear-triangular to filiform. |
(12) |
11 (10) |
Leaves soft, brittle; inflorescence simple or laxly 2--3 branched, never palmate; floral bracts 0.6--0.9 cm wide |
12 Tillandsia variabilis |
+ |
Leaves stiff, leathery; inflorescence densely palmate to laxly 2(--3)-pinnate with 3--15 branches; floral bracts 1.2--2 cm wide |
13 Tillandsia fasciculata |
12 (10) |
Leaf sheath narrowly elliptic, 1.2--2 cm wide, slightly inflated |
8 Tillandsia simulata |
+ |
Leaf sheath broadly elliptic to triangular, 0.8--2.5 cm wide, flat. |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Leaves finely appressed-scaly, appearing green to reddish green; sheath of scape bracts, especially distal ones, narrowing abruptly into blade; floral bracts green or tinged red, uniformly scaly; corolla lavender |
9 Tillandsia setacea |
+ |
Leaves densely and coarsely appressed-scaly, appearing gray; sheath of scape bracts narrowing gradually into blade; floral bracts uniformly red to rose, scaly distally, becoming sparsely scaly toward base; corolla violet. |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Leaves 15--30, not over 0.5 cm wide at mid-length; inflorescence simple or with 1--5 lateral branches |
10 Tillandsia bartramii |
+ |
Leaves 20--50, 0.5--1 cm wide at mid-length; inflorescence 2-pinnate with 2--10 lateral branches |
11 Tillandsia x floridana |