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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 27 | Timmiaceae | Timmia

2. Timmia megapolitana Hedwig, Sp. Musc. Frond. 176. 1801.

Plants without deciduous distal leaves. Leaf apex acute; costa subpercurrent; sheath clear or yellowish; limb green, pellucid; limb-sheath transition abrupt, not sharply angled; limb margins strongly dentate in distal half, with fewer and smaller teeth below, and a few small sharp teeth at limb-sheath transition; limb lamina cells (5-)7-16(-21) × (6-)7-12(-14) µm, with low rounded or flattened mamillae on the adaxial surface, abaxial surface smooth; abaxial surfaces of sheath lamina cells smooth or with 1-6 papillae over lumen; cells at leaf insertion not fragile and hyaline; abaxial surface of limb costa smooth (rarely papillose near leaf apex), adaxial cells with rounded or somewhat flattened mamillae. Sexual condition monoicous; perichaetial leaves narrower than vegetative leaves. Calyptra with a median longitudinal split, sometimes persistent on the neck of the capsule or seta. Capsule plicate or puckered when dry; exothecial cells with non-sinuose walls; stomata on urn; endostome cilia with numerous spine-like or branched-stellate appendiculations on the interior surfaces.

Subspecies 2 (2 in the flora): North America, Eurasia, n Africa, Atlantic Islands (Iceland), Pacific Islands (Hawaii).

Timmia megapolitana is a distinct species within the genus, separated by its monoicous sexuality, distinct but pale leaf sheaths, and elaborately appendiculate endostome cilia.

1 Cells of mid-limb lamina (8-)9-12(-14) µm wide; cells of distal part of leaf sheath papillose; calyptra often remaining attached to seta at base of capsule   2a Timmia megapolitana subsp. megapolitana
+ Cells of the mid-limb lamina (6-)7-10(-12) µm wide; cells of distal part of leaf sheath smooth; calyptra not persistent on seta.   2b Timmia megapolitana subsp. bavarica

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