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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 26 | Liliaceae | Crinum

2. Crinum asiaticum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 292. 1753.

Poison bulb, tree crinum

Bulbs 25 cm or more × 10–12 cm. Leaves numerous, 10 dm or more × 7.5–12 cm; blade ensiform, gradually tapering to apex. Scape stout, 2-edged. Umbels 20–100-flowered. Flowers: perianth white, salverform, tube 3–7.5 cm, limb lobes linear, 7.5 × 1–1.5 cm; pedicel 1–2 cm. Capsules to 5 cm diam., beak long.

Flowering summer--fall. Wet areas; 0--100 m; introduced; Fla., La.; tropical Asia.

Crinum asiaticum is a robust and highly variable species that is distinguished by its very broad leaves. The bulb is reputed to be poisonous.


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