x. Brassicaceae Burnett tribe Lunarieae Dumortier, Fl. Belg. 119. 1827.
Biennials or, rarely, annuals [perennials]; eglandular. Trichomes simple. Cauline leaves petiolate or sessile; blade base not auriculate, margins dentate. Racemes usually ebracteate, elongated in fruit. Flowers actinomorphic; sepals erect, lateral pair strongly saccate basally; petals usually purple, rarely lavender or white [violet], claw present, distinct; filaments unappendaged, not winged; pollen 3-colpate. Fruits silicles, dehiscent, unsegmented, latiseptate; ovules 4-8 per ovary; style distinct; stigma 2-lobed [entire]. Seeds biseriate, (funicle adnate to septum); cotyledons accumbent.
Genus 1, species 3 (1 in the flora): introduced; Europe.
Lower Taxon
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