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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 26 | Liliaceae | Calochortus

51. Calochortus clavatus S. Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts. 14: 265. 1879.

Mariposa clavata (S. Watson) Hoover

Plants usually bulbose; bulb coat, when present, membranous. Stems slender or coarse, stout, branching or not, strongly flexuous, 3–10 dm. Leaves: basal withering, 1–2 dm; blade linear. Inflorescences subumbellate, 1–6-flowered; bracts 4–8 cm, bases dilated. Flowers erect; perianth open, cup-shaped; sepals usually with red-brown blotch at base, lanceolate-ovate, 2–4 cm, apex acute; petals lemon to golden yellow, with transverse line distal to gland, broadly cuneate to obovate, 3–5 cm; glands round, deeply depressed, densely covered with short hairs with branching, coralline tips, surrounded by conspicuously fringed membrane and club-shaped hairs; filaments ca. 10 mm; anthers purplish brown, oblong, 4–10 mm. Capsules erect, lanceoloid-linear, angled, 6–9 cm, apex acuminate. Seeds light yellow, translucent, flat. 2n = 16.

Varieties 5 (5 in the flora): California.

1 Petals shorter than sepals; petal glands very deeply depressed.   51e var. avius
+ Petals longer than sepals; petal glands shallowly to moderately depressed.   (2)
2 (2) Stems straight, slender, usually 3 dm or shorter.   (2)
+ Stems flexuous, coarse, usually 5–10 dm.   (3)
3 (2) Petals 3–4 cm, sparsely bearded; leaves not recurved.   51a var. gracilis
+ Petals 4–5 cm, bearded; leaves strongly recurved.   51d var. recurvifolius
4 Petals deep yellow, hairs very knobby; anthers deep purple.   51b var. clavatus
+ Petals light yellow, hairs not very knobby; anthers yellow to medium purple.   51c var. pallidus


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