11. Erythronium pluriflorum Shevock, Bartel & G. A. Allen, Madroño. 37: 268, fig. 3. 1991.
Golden fawn-lily
Bulbs ± ovoid, 40–75 mm. Leaves 7–30 cm; blade green, oblanceolate to elliptic, margins ± wavy. Scape 8–35 cm. Inflorescences 1–10-flowered. Flowers: tepals yellow, bronze in age, lanceolate, 15–28 mm, not auriculate at base; stamens 8–12 mm; filaments yellow, slender; anthers yellow; style yellow, 6–8 mm; stigma unlobed or with very short, rounded lobes shorter than 1 mm. Capsules obovoid, 2–4 cm.
Flowering summer (Jun--Jul). Open montane coniferous forests; of conservation concern; 2300--2600 m; Calif.
Erythronium pluriflorum is known only from Madera County.
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