1. Scilla siberica Haworth, Bot. Repos. 6: plate 365. 1804.
Siberian squill
Othocallis siberica (Haworth) Speta
Plants 10–20(–30) cm; bulbs tunicate, ovoid, 1.5–2 cm; tunics dark purplish brown. Leaves 2–4; blade broadly linear, 10–15 × 0.5–2 cm. Scapes 1–4. Inflorescences racemose, 1–2(–5)-flowered, bracteate; bract 1–2 mm. Flowers: perianth deep blue, 12–16 × 4–6 mm; pedicel drooping, 8–12 mm, equaling or shorter than perianth. Capsules 4–6 mm. Seeds pale brown, with long white appendage, globose, 2–3 mm. 2n = 12.
Flowering early to mid spring. Escaping from gardens; 0--1500 m; introduced; B.C., N.B., Ont., Que.; Ill., Ind., Ky., Mass., Mich., Mo., N.J., N.Y., Ohio, Pa., Utah, Wis.; Russia, north to 55º, Caucasia, and possibly n Iran; naturalized in c Europe.
Naturalization of Scilla siberica is expected elsewhere.