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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 8 | Sapotaceae | Pouteria

1. Pouteria campechiana (Kunth) Baehni, Candollea. 9: 398. 1942.

Canistel, zapotillo, zapote blanco

Lucuma campechiana Kunth in A. von Humboldt et al., Nov. Gen. Sp. 3(fol.): 188; 3(qto.): 240. 1819; L. nervosa A. de Candolle

Trees to 8 m. Leaves: petiole 10-25(-45) mm, finely hairy; blade elliptic to oblanceolate or obovate, 80-250(-330) × 30-80(-150) mm, margins revolute. Pedicels 6-12 mm, densely hairy. Flowers: sepals ovate to suborbiculate, 4.5-11 mm; petals 8-12 mm, tube 5-6(-8) mm; staminodes petaloid, 2-4 mm. Berries 25-70 mm, apex short-rostrate, surface smooth. Seeds 1-6, 20-40 mm.

Flowering mid summer. Hardwood hammocks; 0-5 m; introduced; Fla.; Mexico; West Indies (Cuba); Central America.

Pouteria campechiana, native from Mexico to Panama, is frequently cultivated and escaped or persistent in the West Indies and Florida.


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