91l. Eriogonum nudum Douglas ex Bentham var. decurrens (S. Stokes) M. L. Bowerman, Fl. Pl. Ferns Mt. Diablo. 140. 1944.
Ben Lomand wild buckwheat
Eriogonum latifolium Smith subsp. decurrens S. Stokes, Eriogonum, 64. 1936
Plants 5-12(-15) dm. Aerial flowering stems occasionally slightly fistulose, 3-6 dm, tomentose. Leaves sheathing; blade 1-3 × 1-1.5 cm, tomentose abaxially, thinly floccose or glabrous adaxially, margins undulate-crisped. Inflorescences cymose, 50-100 × 30-60 cm; branches tomentose. Involucres 1-2 per cluster, 4-6 mm, tomentose. Flowers 3-4 mm; perianth white, glabrous.
Flowering Jul-Oct. Deep sandy flats and slopes, chaparral communities, oak and pine woodlands; 90-200 m; Calif.
Variety decurrens is restricted to the Ben Lomand sand hills area of Santa Cruz County, where it is uncommon.
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