5c. Hypnum cupressiforme var. julaceum Bridel, Muscol. Recent. suppl. 2: 216. 1812.
Plants medium-sized, yellowish green to brown. Stems 5 cm, creeping to erect, julaceous, densely to loosely pinnate. Leaves straight to weakly falcate, ovate or widely oblong, abruptly narrowed to apex; margins subentire; . Branch leaves 1-1.4 × 0.2-0.4 mm or slightly smaller.
Capsule maturity unknown. Horizontal surfaces, strongly illuminated sites, especially in mountains and at higher latitudes; low to high elevations (100-2500 m); N.W.T., Yukon; Alaska, Colo.; Europe; Indian Ocean Islands (Kerguelen Islands).
Variety julaceum sometimes has asymmetric stems. The branches are 0.2-1.5 cm; the leaves are concave.
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