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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 21 | Asteraceae | Perityle

10. Perityle coronopifolia A. Gray, Smithsonian Contr. Knowl. 5(6): 82. 1853.

Crow-foot rock daisy

Laphamia coronopifolia (A. Gray) Hemsley

Subshrubs, 6–36 cm (in rock crevices, stems relatively many, erect or pendulous, very leafy); sparsely to densely grayish hairy. Leaves: petioles 2–8(–12) mm; blades pedately 3-lobed (lobes spatulate or linear), or 2–3-pinnatifid (lobes linear-filiform), 4–30 × 4–20 mm, ultimate margins entire. Heads (2–5) in corymbiform arrays, 5–6.5 × 5–6 mm. Peduncles 7–15 mm. Involucres campanulate. Phyllaries 2–16, linear-lanceolate to narrow-ovate, 3.5–5 × 0.5–1.5 mm. Ray florets 8–12; corollas white, laminae broadly oblong or oblong-elliptic to subspatulate, 3–7 × 2–3 mm. Disc florets 30–40; corollas yellow, often purple tinged, tubes 0.8–1 mm, throats tubular, tubular-funnelform, or tubular-campanulate, 1–1.3 mm, lobes 0.3–0.4 mm. Cypselae linear-oblong to narrowly oblanceolate, 1.8–2.5 mm, margins usually prominently calloused, sometimes thin, usually ciliate; pappi of 2(–3+) barbellulate bristles 1.5–2.5 mm plus crowns of hyaline, laciniate scales. 2n = 34.

Flowering spring–fall. Rock and cliff faces; 1000–2600 m; Ariz., N.Mex.; Mexico (Chihuahua).

Perityle coronopifolia is widespread in south-central and southeastern Arizona, and southwestern and south-central New Mexico. The combination of white rays, often pinnatifid leaves, and perennial habit distinguish it.


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