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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 8 | Crassulaceae | Dudleya

22. Dudleya multicaulis (Rose) Moran, Leafl. W. Bot. 7: 110. 1953.

Hasseanthus multicaulis Rose in N. L. Britton and J. N. Rose, New N. Amer. Crassul., 38. 1903; H. elongatus Rose; H. variegatus (S. Watson) Rose var. elongatus (Rose) I. M. Johnston

Corms oblong, 1.5-5 cm × 3-18 mm. Leaves 5-15, base scarcely narrowed into petiole; blade green, linear, 5-15 cm × 2-6 mm, 2-6 mm thick, base 4-10 mm wide, apex narrowly acute, surfaces not or somewhat glaucous. Inflorescences: cincinni 3-15-flowered, 2-10 cm; floral shoots 5-35 cm × 2-4 mm; leaves 7-18, strongly ascending, blade linear (similar to rosette leaf blades), 1-10 cm × 2-10 mm, 2-6 mm thick, apex narrowly acute. Flowers odorless; petals connate 1-2 mm, spreading from near middle, bright yellow (fading pale yellow), often red-lineolate along keel, elliptic-lanceolate, 5-9 × 2-3 mm, apex acute, corolla 12-18 mm diam.; pistils connate 1-2 mm, ascending; ovary 3.5-6 mm; styles 1.5-2 mm. Follicles widespreading, with adaxial margins nearly horizontal. 2n = 34.

Flowering late spring. Rocky hillsides, often in heavy soils; of conservation concern; 0-700 m; Calif.

Dudleya multicaulis is endemic to the Los Angeles coastal plain and adjacent hills, Transverse and Peninsular ranges, and southward to the San Onofre Mountains of northern San Diego County, an area now largely urban; it is considered fairly endangered (California Native Plant Society,


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