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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 9 | Rosaceae | Crataegus

102. Crataegus sheila-phippsiae J. B. Phipps & O’Kennon, Sida. 21: 67, fig. 2. 2004.

Shrubs, arborescent, 30–50 dm, or thicket-forming, 15–30 dm. Stems: twigs: new growth ˂green˃, glabrous, 1-year old shiny, brown, older gray; thorns on twigs straight or slightly recurved, 1-year old shiny, dark blackish brown, older deep gray, moderately slender to stout, 2–6 cm. Leaves: petiole length 28–40% blade, pubescent, sparsely to densely persistently glandular; blade ˂green mature˃, ± rhombic, (2–)3.5–5(–6) cm (2.5–5 cm at flowering), thin-chartaceous, base cuneate, lobes 2–4 per side, sinuses: max LII 20%, lobe apex acute, margins serrate, ˂teeth small˃, veins 4 or 5 per side, apex acuminate, abaxial surface glabrous, hairy in axils and parts of main veins, adaxial scabrous. Inflorescences 3–18-flowered; branches glabrous or sparsely pilose young; bracteoles linear, membranous, margins sessile-glandular. Flowers 14–20 mm diam.; hypanthium glabrous; sepals triangular, length not recorded, margins barely glandular-serrate; stamens 18–20, anthers white to pale pink, sometimes medium pink or puce; styles 4 or 5 (arising from small tuft of hairs). Pomes brilliant orange-red or crimson scarlet early, becoming bright red or dark burgundy, suborbicular, 10–12 mm diam., glabrous; sepals spreading; pyrenes 4 or 5.

Varieties 2 (2 in the flora): sw Canada.

1 Plants arborescent, 30–50 dm; anthers white to pale pink; thorns on twigs 2–4 cm; leaf blades 4–6 cm, at early anthesis larger than flowers; pomes burgundy, sometimes darker; British Columbia.   102a Crataegus sheila-phippsiae var. sheila-phippsiae
+ Plants shrubby, thicket-forming, 15–30 dm; anthers white to cream; thorns on twigs 3–6 cm; leaf blades 2–4(–5) cm, at early anthesis little larger than flowers; pomes orange-red to bright red; s Saskatchewan.   102b Crataegus sheila-phippsiae var. saskatchewanensis

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