2. Fremontodendron californicum (Torrey) Coville, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 4: 74. 1893.
[F I]
Fremontia californica Torrey, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Advancem. Sci. 4: 191. 1851; F. californica subsp. crassifolia (Eastwood) Abrams; F. californica subsp. napensis (Eastwood) Munz; F. californica var. napensis (Eastwood) McMinn; Fremontodendron californicum subsp. crassifolium (Eastwood) J. H. Thomas; F. californicum subsp. napense (Eastwood) Munz; F. californicum subsp. obispoense (Eastwood) Munz
Plants erect, 15–100 dm. Leaf blades 5–113 × 4–65 mm, base cuneate to rounded or weakly cordate. Pedicels 4–18 mm. Flowers 23–76(–100) mm diam. (pressed); sepals usually yellow, lobes sometimes red at bases and margins, gland/pit borders usually setose. Seeds usually carunculate, hairy. 2n = 40.
Flowering Mar–Jul(–Dec). Chaparral, pinyon scrublands, sagebrush scrublands; (10–)400–2300 m; introduced; Ariz., Calif.; Mexico (Baja California).
Morphologically distinctive local and/or regional populations of Fremontodendron californicum have been treated as subspecies and/or varieties; they intergrade across the range of the species.
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