37c. Euphorbia deltoidea Engelmann ex Chapman subsp. pinetorum (Small) Oudejans, World Cat. Euphorb. Cum. Suppl. I. 11. 1993.
[C E]
Chamaesyce pinetorum Small, Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 3: 429. 1905
Stems ascending to erect, not mat-forming, usually red, villous-hirsute, hairs straight and spreading, 0.6–0.7 mm. Stipules villous-hirsute with straight, spreading hairs; petiole villous-hirsute with straight, spreading hairs; blade 2–4.5 × 2–4.5 mm, as long as wide, surfaces silver-green, villous-hirsute with straight, spreading hairs. Involucre villous-hirsute with straight, spreading hairs. Pistillate flowers: ovary villous-hirsute with straight, spreading hairs. Capsules villous-hirsute with straight, spreading hairs.
Flowering and fruiting year-round. Open pine rocklands; of conservation concern; 0–10 m; Fla.
Subspecies pinetorum is the southernmost of the three mainland subspecies.
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