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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 12 | Euphorbiaceae

1b. Croton alabamensis E. A. Smith ex Chapman var. texensis Ginzbarg, Sida. 15: 42, fig. 1. 1992.
[C E]

Texabama croton Texabama croton

Leaf blades: abaxial surface coppery, some scales unpigmented, others with dark reddish brown center and reddish amber rays. Inflorescences 6–14-flowered, producing 0–6 fruits.

Flowering mostly late Feb–early Apr; fruiting mostly May–Jun. Mesic hardwood forest understories, soils overlying limestone, canyon slopes, flat terraces; of conservation concern; 200–400 m; Tex.

Variety texensis is restricted to Bell, Coryell, and Travis counties.


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