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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 3 | Ranunculaceae

2b.1. Ranunculus Sect. Cyrtorhyncha (Nuttall) A. Gray

Plants glabrous. Stems erect, not bulbous-based, without bulbils. Roots basal, never tuberous. Leaves basal and cauline; basal leaves petiolate, 2×-compound, leaflets again parted; cauline leaves sessile or nearly so, smaller, otherwise similar. Inflorescences 3-20-flowered, compound cymes. Flowers pedicellate; sepals deciduous soon after anthesis, 5; petals yellow, rarely absent; nectary scale rudimentary, attached basally, forming ridge below nectary, glabrous, free margin entire; style present. Fruits achenes, 1-locular; achene body cylindric, about as wide as thick, not prolonged beyond seed; achene wall thin, papery, not loose, longitudinally striate; margin an inconspicuous ridge similar to veins; beak much shorter than achene body.

Species 1 (1 in the flora): North America (Rocky Mountains).


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