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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 4 | Chenopodiaceae | Suaeda

25c. Suaeda Forsskål ex J. F. Gmelin sect. Limbogermen Iljin, Sovetsk. Bot. 5: 47. 1936.

Shrubs, subshrubs, or facultative annuals, glabrous or with scattered trichomes to sparsely hirtellous, puberulent, tomentulose, or villous. Leaves sessile or short-petiolate, cross section with dark-green ring of chlorenchyma just inside epidermis (best seen at 10× or greater magnification). Inflorescences glomes, each glome in axis of one leaflike bract or bractless; bracteoles subtending glomes often with scattered marginal hairs. Flowers bisexual or, sometimes, pistillate; perianth actinomorphic, globose to oblong; perianth segments connate proximally or to middle, abaxially rounded, sometimes distally hooded, without appendages, succulent, apex acute to obtuse; ovary lanceoloid to ovoid or often ± vase-shaped with distal necklike extension; stigmas (2-)3, arising from pit at apex of ovary or from pit on distal necklike extension of ovary, subsessile or on short style, filiform to lanceolate, pilose-papillate. Seeds horizontal or vertical, not distinctly dimorphic, sometimes variable in size and color, lenticular; seed coat black or brown, shiny, usually finely reticulate (seen at 40× magnification), sometimes smooth.

Species ca. 10 (5 in the flora): North America, South America.

1 Bracts mostly equaling proximal leaves; inflorescences distributed throughout plant; stems knobby   (2)
+ Bracts mostly shorter than proximal leaves; inflorescences mostly on distal branches; stems smooth or knobby   (3)
2 (1) Stems glabrous or vestiture sparse; leaves usually not glaucous; ovary without obvious distal necklike extension   8 Suaeda californica
+ Stems sometimes glabrous or vestiture usually dense; leaves glaucous; ovary with distal necklike extension   9 Suaeda taxifolia
3 (1) Leaf scars on stems ± smooth; inflorescence branches mostly thinner than vegetative branches; widespread, including Texas   10 Suaeda nigra
+ Leaf scars on stems ± knobby; inflorescence branches as thick as vegetative branches; Texas   (4)
4 (3) Stems decumbent to erect, densely tomentulose; leaf apices acuminate to apiculate   11 Suaeda tampicensis
+ Stems prostrate to decumbent, glabrous; leaf apices rounded   12 Suaeda conferta


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