45b. Vaccinium Linnaeus sect. Vaccinium
Shrubs, procumbent to erect, (0.3-)1.2-4(-9) dm, rhizomatous. Leaves deciduous. Inflorescences axillary, racemes, 2-4-flowered, sometimes flowers solitary, ebracteate, from scaly bud on previous year’s wood. Pedicels ± articulated with calyx tube. Flowers: sepals 4-5; petals 4-5(-6), connate for 3/4 to nearly their entire lengths, corolla urceolate; stamens usually 8, included; anthers with awns, tubules ca. 1 mm. Berries 4-5-locular. Seeds ca. 8-15.
Species 1: North America, Eurasia; circumboreal.
SELECTED REFERENCES Warr, H. J. 1981. Variation in Vaccinium uliginosum in Northeastern North America. M.Sc. thesis. Acadia University. Young, S. B. 1970. On the taxonomy and distribution of Vaccinium uliginosum. Rhodora 72: 439-459.
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