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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae

Nervilia Comm. ex Gaud.


Terrestrial herbs with underground corms but lacking aerial leafy stems. Leaves solitary, producing from corm after anthesis, convolute, usually orbicular, cordate or reniform, petiolate, often strongly plicate, not articulate, entire, wavy crisped or angular on margins. Inflorescence arising from corm, with 1, 2 or several racemose flowers; peduncle erect, slender, with distant tubular sheaths; bracts small or long and slender. Flowers more or less pendulous, resupinate or not; sepals and petals similar, narrow, spreading, or connivent; lip sessile or subclawed, adnate to base of column, spurless, 2-3-lobed or nearly undivided; column elongate clavate, apex dilated, without distinct wings; anther terminal, incumbent; pollinia 2, cleft, soft granular, without caudicle or viscidium; stigma single, concave, situated under short rostellum. Capsules erect or pendulous.

About 50 species, mainly in tropical and subtropical Asia and Africa. Five species in Taiwan.


1 Leaves more or less 5-7-angular; inflorescence a solitary flower.   (2)
+ Leaves without angules; inflorescence racemes; flowers 2-several.   (3)
2 (1) Midlobe of lip obovate or nearly orbicular, with rounded or obtuse apex.   Nervilia lanyuensis
+ Midlobe of lip oblong, with acute apex.   Nervilia nipponica
3 (1) Flowers not resupinate; lip obscurely 3-lobed at apex and fimbriate on edges, disc papillose.   Nervilia cumberlegei
+ Flowers resupinate; lip distinctly or obscurely 3-lobed near middle, without fimbriate edges, disc glabrous or villose.   (4)
4 (3) Leaves glabrous on both surfaces; inflorescence with 3 to more than 10 flowers; lip distinctly 3-lobed.   Nervilia aragoana
+ Leaves setulose on upper surface, especially so on veins; inflorescence usually 2-flowered; lip indistinctly 3lobed.   Nervilia plicata

Lower Taxa

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Flora of China  
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