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Russian Ornamental | Family List | Ranunculaceae | Trollius

Trollius altaicus C. A. Mey.

Plant 20-75 cm. Roots tufted. Basal leaves long-petiolate 5-7 partipalmate, lobes incised, serrate. Stem leaves sessile, smaller. Flowers large, 4-5 cm diam., golden yellow or orange with dark centre (because of dark purple stigmas). V - early spring to early autumn, in St. Petersburg April-September. Fl - May. Fr - July. P - by division and by seed. In partial shade and in full sun. Z 3 (2). New.

Siberia (Altay), Central Asia (Dzungarskiy Alatau, Tarbagatay, Pamiro Alay, Tien Shan), northwestern China and western Mongolia. In mountain upper forests and meadows in the alpine zones, at 900-2,000 m.


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