Alfredia cernua (L.) Cass.
Plant 2-3 m. Rhizome short, with numerous adventitious roots. Basal leaves simple, on long narrowly winged petioles, blades ovate-cordate 30-60 cm x 12-40 cm. Stem leaves smaller. Flowering stem thick, hollow, branched above, with numerous nodding flower heads 4-5 cm. Phyllaries (involucral bracts) multiseriate, linear-lanceolate. Corolla yellow. V - mid spring to late autumn. Fl - in mid or late summer. Fr - late autumn. P - by seed or division of rhizome Does well in semishade and in sunny places. Cold resistant. Well suited for tall herbaceous borders and the wild garden. Z 4 (3). New.
Siberia (southwestern regions), Central Asia (Dzungaria) and northwestern China. In taiga and in larch and birch forests, among shrubs in clearings.
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