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Russian Ornamental | Family List | Ranunculaceae | Aconitum

Aconitum baicalense Turcz.

Rootstock of two oblong tubers. Flower stem erect, leafy, branched, 1 to 1.5 m high. Leaves grey-green to 10 cm x 12-15 cm, 5-parted to the its base, the lobes 2-3-lobulate. Inflorescence a long, lax raceme with widely spaced branches. Flowers large, 3 cm diam., blue or violet. V - early May till October. Fl - June-July, for one month. Fr- August - September. P - by seed or division. Does best in semishade, on moist soil. Z 4 (3). New.

Eastern Siberia and Mongolia. On grassy sites on the plains and mountains, in forests along the rivers.


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