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Russian Ornamental | Family List | Liliaceae | Tulipa

Tulipa fosteriana W. Irving
[(subgenus Tulipa)]

Plants 40-45 cm. Stem thick, pubescent. Leaves 3-5, broadly ovate, glaucous. Flower buds acute, flowers fiery red, opening flat or cup-like in form. Blotch at the base varies from round to multiangular and in colour from black to yellow, with margin or without. Anthers dark violet, 2-2.5 times as long as stamens. V - early spring to summer. Fl - March-April (in St. Petersburg May). Fr - June. P - vegetatively and by seed. Full sun. Any soil. A well-known species which has given birth to many cultivars. Z 4.

Central Asia (Pamiro Alay, southwestern part of Zeravshanskiy Range, Samarcandskiye Mts.). On stony slopes at 1,500 m.

T. ingens T.M. Hoog and T. eichleri Regel (both subgenus Tulipa) are closely related to T. fosteriana, both with red flowers, T. eichleri can easily be propagated vegetatively, by daughter bulbs. Good for any spring decoration. Z 4.


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