Anemone tschernjaewii Regel
Rootstock tuberous. Stem elongating from 5 cm to 35 cm with fruits. Basal leaves 1 or 2, long-petiolate, 3-parted, segments shortly trilobate. Bracts 3-parted. Flowers solitary, 3.5-4.5 cm diam., light violet, pink with white tinge. Stamens violet, numerous. V - in nature February to June (April to July in St. Petersburg, where suffers from excessive moisture in autumn). Fl - April. Fr - June. P - by seed or division. Well suited for the rock garden. Z 5-4. New.
Central Asia (Pamiro Alay). In sunny open forest, among shrubs, on steppe slopes in the mountains, up to 3,000 m.
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