1. Acanthocalyx (Candolle) Tieghem, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 9. 10: 199. 1909.
刺续断属 ci xu duan shu
Morina sect. Acanthocalyx Candolle, Prodr. 4: 645. 1830.
Taproots fleshy, branching. Caudexes short, woody, often covered with remnants of old leaf bases. Flowering stems emerging below rosettes, usually with 2 bilateral lines of hairs on internodes. Cauline leaves opposite; petioles joined, forming a sheath. Inflorescences subcapitate, often with 1 or more whorls of flowers below primary head; involucral bracts free, connate or sheathing at base; flowers sessile; involucels campanulate, very fragile and papery at anthesis, enlarging and becoming ± leathery in fruit, persistent, with several to numerous teeth. Calyx tubular, oblique at mouth, with a ventral fissure, often with 2 lateral and 3 posterior subspinose teeth. Corolla tubular, somewhat swollen below limb, with 2 posterior and 3 anterior spreading lobes. Stamens 4, ± equal, inserted just below swollen part of corolla tube. Style equal to or exceeding corolla tube in length; stigma disk-shaped; ovary 1-loculed; ovule pendulous. Achenes smooth or rugose, apex somewhat cup-shaped.
Two species: Himalaya and the Hengduan Mountains; two species in China.