22. Actinoschoenus Bentham, Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 14: 33. 1881.
星穗莎属 xing sui suo shu
Authors: Shuren Zhang, Prof. Song-Yun Liang, Tetsuo Koyama & David A. Simpson
Perennials, shortly rhizomatous or stoloniferous. Culms scapose, tufted. Leaves ligulate; leaf blade very short or absent. Involucral bracts small. Inflorescences capitate with 2 to many spikelets. Spikelets with 4-7 distichous deciduous glumes of increasing length, 1(or 2)-flowered. Flowers bisexual, subtended by penultimate large glume enclosed by wings of next glume; rachilla internodes short, ± elongated between flowers. Perianth bristles absent. Stamens 3. Style deeply 3-cleft, deciduous, basally distinctly thickened. Nutlet obovoid, 3-sided, ± 3-ribbed, smooth to slightly tuberculate.
Four species: Africa, S and SE Asia, Australia, Indian Ocean islands, Madagascar, Pacific islands (New Caledonia); two species in China.
1 |
Spikelets 3-7(-12), ovoid to narrowly ovoid; glumes reddish brown, thickly papery, apical half hairy; leaves with a blade. |
1 A. yunnanensis |
+ |
Spikelets 1 or 2(-6), narrowly ovoid; glumes brown, membranous, glabrous; leaves reduced to a bladeless sheath. |
2 A. thouarsii |
Lower Taxa
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