69. Afgekia Craib, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. 1927: 376. 1927.
猪腰豆属 zhu yao dou shu
Authors: Zhi Wei & Les Pedley
Shrubs, scandent. Stipules caducous. Leaves imparipinnate; stipels present; leaflets opposite. Inflorescences axillary or cauliflorous racemes or elongated panicles, with large imbricate-tailed sericeous bracts covering flower buds, caducous. Bracteoles minute. Calyx shortly 5-toothed. Corolla standard basally with 2 curved laminar calluses; wings and keels equal in length, both clawed. Stamens diadelphous; vexillary stamen free from other 9. Ovary stipitate, with trichomes, with 2 ovules. Legume inflated, tardily dehiscent; valves thickly woody. Seeds 1[or 2] per legume, ellipsoid, shiny; hilum ca. 1/2 as long as seed.
Three species: SW China, Myanmar, Thailand; one species in China.
Lower Taxa
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