68. Aniselytron Merrill, Philipp. J. Sci. 5: 328. 1910.
沟稃草属 gou fu cao shu
Authors: Sheng-lian Lu & Sylvia M. Phillips
Aulacolepis Hackel (1907), not Ettingshausen (1893); Neoaulacolepis Rauschert.
Perennials, tufted. Leaf blades linear to broadly linear, flat, flaccid; ligule membranous. Inflorescence an open panicle; branches whorled. Spikelets with 1 floret, laterally compressed, disarticulating above glumes, rachilla shortly extended beyond floret, glabrous; glumes much shorter than floret, unequal, lower glume sometimes very small or vestigial, upper glume lanceolate, margins broadly hyaline, apex acuminate; callus of floret shortly and inconspicuously hairy, lateral hairs longest; lemma lanceolate in side view, keeled, leathery, scabrid, strongly 5-veined, acute or rarely mucronate; palea subequaling and almost enclosed by lemma, keels close together, prominent, scabrid, depressed between keels. Caryopsis ellipsoid. x = 7.
Two species: N India to Indonesia and Japan; two species in China.
The two species, and their infraspecific combinations, have usually been known in the past under the generic name Aulacolepis Hackel, but this is an illegitimate later homonym. The genus is usually placed in Aveneae close to, or included within, Calamagrostis, but molecular evidence shows it is more accurately placed in Poeae.