68. Antheroporum Gagnepain, Notul. Syst. (Paris). 3: 180. 1915.
肿荚豆属 zhong jia dou shu
Authors: Zhi Wei & Les Pedley
Trees, evergreen. Stipules and stipels absent. Leaves imparipinnate; petiole and petiolules often basally thickened; leaflet blades (sub)opposite. Inflorescences terminal and with racemes in groups of 2-5 in axils of leaves at tips of branches; bracts longer than corresponding buds and covering them, soon caducous. Calyx cup-shaped; teeth inconspicuous. Petals ± equal, all long clawed, glabrous; standard curved upward, without basal calluses; wings partly fused to keel. Stamens monadelphous; anthers orbicular, dehiscing by a short slit at tip. Ovary stipitate or subsessile, with trichomes, with 2-6 ovules; style subulate, short. Legume inflated, not winged, dehiscent; valves woody, vacuous inside. Seeds 1(or 2), compressed globose, shiny; hilum round, ca. 3 mm in diam.
Five species: S China, Thailand, Vietnam; two species in China.
1 |
Branchlets and leaves glabrous; inflorescences tawny pubescent; petiolules blackened when dry; leaflet blades broadly elliptic-ovate, abaxially glaucous, base tapering to petiolule. |
1 A. glaucum |
+ |
Branchlets, leaves, and inflorescences with yellowish trichomes; petiolules with grayish trichomes; leaflet blades oblong, abaxially densely appressed sericeous, base rounded, asymmetric. |
2 A. harmandii |
Lower Taxa
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