8. Antiaris Leschenault, Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 16: 476. 1810.
[nom. cons.]
见血封喉属 jian xue feng hou shu
Ipo Persoon, nom. rej.
Trees, evergreen, with latex; monoecious. Stipules small, adnate to petiole, caducous. Leaves alternate, distichous; leaf blade margin entire or sometimes serrate; veins pinnate. Male inflorescences discoid, fleshy, many-flowered, without interfloral bracteoles, pedunculate. Involucral bracts imbricate, persistent in fruit. Female inflorescences 1-flowered, sessile or pedunculate. Male flowers: shortly pedicellate; calyx lobes (3 or)4, spatulate, fleshy, apically concave; stamens 3-8, straight in bud, included; pistillode absent. Female flowers: usually solitary in a pear-shaped receptacle, covered by numerous bracts, without sepals; ovary enclosed in involucre and adnate to receptacle; style subuliform, 2-branched, curved, exserted, pubescent. Fruit partly immersed in fleshy receptacle, fleshy, bracts persistent. Seed with hard exotesta; cotyledons fleshy, equal in size; embryo ± globose; radicle small.
One species: widely distributed in Old World tropics; one species in China.
Lower Taxon
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