1. Arthropteris J. Smith in J. D. Hooker, Fl. Nov.-Zel. 2: 43. 1854.
爬树蕨属 pa shu jue shu
Authors: Prof. Fuwu Xing, Wang Faguo & Peter H. Hovenkamp
Plants epiphytic, with long twining, wiry rhizomes. Rhizomes with peltate scales, with 2 rows of fronds. Fronds distant, articulate to phyllopodium; lamina pinnate; pinnae close together, subsessile. Venation free, 2 or 3 times forked. Sori orbicular, in a single row between costa and margin; indusia reniform; sporangia long stipitate, annulus with 10-13 thickened cells. Spores elliptic; perispore granular. n = 41.
About 20 species: Africa, SW to E Asia, Australia, Madagascar, Pacific islands; one species in China.
Lower Taxon
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