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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 5 | Polygonaceae

9. Atraphaxis Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 333. 1753.

木蓼属 mu liao shu

Bao Bojian (包伯坚); Alisa E. Grabovskaya-Borodina

Shrubs much branched; woody branches with spines or not, herbaceous branchlets of current year with leaves and flowers. Leaves simple, alternate, rarely fascicled, nearly sessile; ocrea membranous, usually with 2 veins, 2-parted at apex. Inflorescence racemose, terminal, or lateral, with dense or sparse axillary flowers. Pedicel slender, jointed. Flowers hermaphroditic. Perianth persistent, 4- or 5-parted, inflated in fruit. Stamens 6 or 8; filaments dilated at base and united into a glandular ring. Ovary lenticularly compressed or trigonous; styles 2 or 3, short; stigmas capitate. Achenes lenticular or trigonous.

About 25 species: N Africa, C, N, and SW Asia, S Europe; 12 species (two endemic) in China.

The reader can refer to Borodina (Rast. Tsentral. Azii 9: 93–97. 1989) for taxa in adjacent Central Asian countries.

1 Tepals 4; stamens 6; styles 2; achenes lenticularly compressed.   (2)
+ Tepals 5; stamens 8; styles 3; achenes trigonous.   (4)
2 (1) Branchlets of current year and leaves with densely papillate hairs.   3 A. canescens
+ Branchlets of current year and leaves without papillate hairs.   (3)
3 (2) Leaves fascicled; herbaceous branchlets of current year very short.   2 A. compacta
+ Leaves alternate; herbaceous branchlets of current year longer, slender.   1 A. spinosa
4 (1) Herbaceous branchlets and leaves with papillate hairs; leaves bright green, without raised reticulate veins.   4 A. laetevirens
+ Herbaceous branchlets and leaves without papillate hairs; leaves with raised reticulate veins.   (5)
5 (4) Leaves grayish green or bluish green.   (6)
+ Leaves green or yellow-green.   (8)
6 (5) Woody branches pointed at apex; inflorescence a short raceme ca. 15 mm.   5 A. pungens
+ Woody branches obtuse at apex; inflorescence a panicle or raceme.   (7)
7 (6) Shrub 1.5-2 m tall; annual branches lengthened, virgate, dying only in higher part, as a rule branched; inflorescence a panicle with leaves.   8 A. virgata
+ Subshrub 30-50 cm tall; annual branches dying for most part, usually not branched; inflorescence a raceme, flowers from ocrea bracteate.   9 A. frutescens
8 (5) Woody branches acuminate into point at apex.   (9)
+ Woody branches obtuse at apex, not pointed.   (10)
9 (8) Leaves elliptic or obovate, 15-25 × 10-13 mm, with prominent reticulate veins; pedicel ca. 1 cm, jointed at lower 1/3; perianth light yellow-red.   6 A. pyrifolia
+ Leaves linear or lanceolate, 15-30 × 1-3 mm; midvein prominent; pedicel 5-10 mm, jointed at upper 1/3; perianth light green.   7 A. irtyschensis
10 (8) Leaves oblong or elliptic, or lanceolate, prominently veined; outer tepals reniform, spreading in fruit.   12 A. bracteata
+ Leaves oblanceolate-oblong or lanceolate to linear, not prominently pinnately veined; outer tepals oblong or oblong-ovate, reflexed in fruit.   (11)
11 (10) Outer tepals oblong-ovate, ca. as long as or slightly shorter than above joint portion of pedicel.   10 A. decipiens
+ Outer tepals oblong, longer than above joint portion of pedicel.   11 A. manshurica

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