39. Bowringia Champion ex Bentham, Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 4: 75. 1852.
藤槐属 teng huai shu
Authors: Bojian Bao & Michael A. Vincent
Scandent shrubs or lianas. Leaves large, simple; stipules very small. Racemes axillary, very short. Calyx cup-shaped, membranous. Corolla white; standard stipitate; wings falcate-oblong; keels similar to wings, slightly larger. Stamens 10, free. Ovary stalked, many ovuled; style subulate; stigma small, terminal. Legume ovoid or globose, dehiscent along sutures; valves membranous, leathery. Seeds oblong to globose, arillate.
About four species: WC Africa and Madagascar, one species in SE Asia including China.
Bowringia was treated by Breteler (Wageningen Agric. Univ. Pap. 94(4): 1-41. 1994) as a synonym of the African genus Leucomphalos Bentham ex J. E. Planchon.
Lower Taxon
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