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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 13 | Melastomataceae

11. Bredia Blume, Mus. Bot. 1: 24. 1849.

野海棠属 ye hai tang shu

Tashiroea Matsumura.

Herbs or shrublets, erect or creeping to ascending. Stems terete or 4-sided. Leaves petiolate; leaf blade secondary veins 1-3(or 4) on each side of midvein, tertiary veins parallel, margin denticulate, serrate, or almost entire. Inflorescences terminal, few-flowered cymes, cymose panicles, or rarely umbellate cymes; bract small, frequently caducous. Flowers (3 or)4-merous. Hypanthium funnel-shaped, turbinate, or nearly campanulate. Calyx lobes conspicuous. Petals pink to purplish red, ovate to broadly ovate, sometimes slightly oblique, apex acute, acuminate, or retuse. Stamens dimorphic, twice as many as petals, unequal in length; filaments filiform; anthers dimorphic, subulate, linear-subulate, or oblong-linear. Longer stamens usually without tuberculate base; connective decurrent, slightly prolonged. Ovary half inferior, turbinate, 4-celled. Style filiform; stigma apiculate. Capsule turbinate, usually obtusely 4-sided, woody, apex truncate but with crown usually exserted from calyx; calyx lobes usually persistent. Seed numerous, very minute, cuneate, densely granulate.

About 15 species: E and S Asia; 11 species (ten endemic) in China.

Bredia biglandularis cannot be reliably keyed out at this time because its flowers are unknown.

1 Leaves sessile or subsessile.   9 B. sessilifolia
+ Leaves petiolate   (2)
2 (1) Stems glabrous   (3)
+ Stems pubescent or puberulous at least when young   (4)
3 (2) Petiole 5-10 cm; leaf blade with 3 secondary veins on each side of midvein.   1 B. biglandularis
+ Petiole 0.6-1.2(-2.5) cm; leaf blade with 1 or 2 secondary veins on each side of midvein.   8 B. quadrangularis
4 (2) Leaf blade 0.8-1.7(-2) × 0.8-1.7(-2) cm, margin entire.   6 B. microphylla
+ Leaf blade 2-11(-13.5) × 1.5-5.5(-10) cm, margin toothed at least to some extent   (5)
5 (4) Leaf blade adaxially glabrous   (6)
+ Leaf blade adaxially ± densely pilose   (7)
6 (5) Hypanthium not truncate at apex; persistent calyx lobes ca. 7 × 7 mm.   10 B. sinensis
+ Hypanthium ± truncate at apex; persistent calyx lobes not conspicuous.   7 B. oldhamii
7 (5) Inflorescences and hypanthia hirsute with whitish spreading trichomes.   4 B. hirsuta var. scandens
+ Inflorescences and hypanthia not hirsute   (8)
8 (7) Leaf blade base cordate; shrubs or shrublets   (9)
+ Leaf blade base obtuse or rounded; herbs or shrublets   (10)
9 (8) Stems and hypanthia minutely glandular puberulous.   2 B. esquirolii
+ Stems and hypanthia spreading pilose with glandular trichomes 3-4 mm.   3 B. fordii
10 (8) Calyx lobes linear-lanceolate, ca. 1 mm.   5 B. longiloba
+ Calyx lobes narrowly triangular to lanceolate, ca. 3 mm.   11 B. yunnanensis

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