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Plumbaginaceae A. L. Jussieu

白花丹科 bai hua dan ke

Authors: Tse-Hsiang Peng & Rudolf V. Kamelin

Shrublets, shrubs, or herbs. Stems striate or reduced to a caudex. Leaves simple, alternate or basal, sessile or petiolate but petiole usually indistinct from blade; stipules absent; leaf blade entire or rarely pinnately lobed, with chalk glands on both surfaces. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, unbranched or branched, spicate, spicate-racemose, subcapitate, capitate, or paniculate, arranged into complanate spikes if branched, all composed of 1--10 or more cymules or helicoid cymes; cymules or helicoid cymes usually known as spikelets, 1--5-flowered; bracts 1 at base of each spikelet; bractlets 1 or 2 at base of each flower. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, sessile or very shortly pedicellate. Calyx persistent, hypogynous, tubular to funnelform, 5-ribbed, 5-lobed. Corolla hypogynous, petals connate but sometimes only at base, lobes or segments 5 and twisted. Stamens opposite corolla lobes, hypogynous or inserted at corolla base; anthers 2-locular, dehiscing longitudinally. Pistil 1. Ovary superior, 1-locular. Styles 5, free or connate. Stigmas 5. Ovule 1, pendulous from a basal funicle. Capsules usually enclosed within calyx. Seeds 1 per capsule; embryo straight, surrounded by thin starchy endosperm.

About 25 genera and 440 species: worldwide, main diversity in C Asia and Mediterranean region; seven genera and 46 species (11 endemic) in China.

Armeria labradorica Wallroth subsp. sibirica (Turcznaninow) Kamelin is expected to be found in Altay Shan near the border with Mongolia and/or Russia.

Peng Ze-xiang (as Peng Tse-hsiang) in Li Shu-gang (as Lee Shu-kang), ed. 1987. Plumbaginaceae. Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 60(1): 1-47.

1 Styles connate, 5-branched; stigmas on inner surface of style branches; calyx herbaceous or membranous only between ribs, never scarious, without inflated or expanded limb; corolla with long tube.   (2)
+ Styles 5; stigmas terminal, depressed capitate or terete; calyx limb scarious, inflated or expanded; corolla with petals connate only at base.   (4)
2 (1) Calyx lacking glands   3 Ceratostigma
+ Calyx with conspicuous stalked glands.   (3)
3 (2) Calyx 7.5--13 mm; both tube and lobes of calyx with glands; corolla salverform, limb rotate   1 Plumbago
+ Calyx 4--4.5 mm; only lobes of calyx with glands; corolla narrowly campanulate, lobes erect   2 Plumbagella
4 (1) Shrublets pulvinate, usually thorny; leaves alternate, crowded, linear, sometimes spinescent, persisting when withered   4 Acantholimon
+ Herbs, or not thorny shrublets; leaves basal or in a rosette at apex of a caudex, rarely alternate, usually deciduous.   (5)
5 (4) Styles with terete or filiform stigmas   7 Limonium
+ Styles with capitate stigmas.   (6)
6 (5) Styles slightly verrucose at base; calyx subtubular, limb narrowly campanulate; ovary apex gradually attenuate; leaf blade margin undulate   5 Ikonnikovia
+ Styles with long papillae at base; calyx funnelform, limb expanded; ovary apex abruptly contracted; leaf blade margin flat or nearly so   6 Goniolimon

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