43. Cladrastis Rafinesque, Cincinnati Lit. Gaz. 1(8): 60. 1824.
香槐属 xiang huai shu
Authors: Bojian Bao & Michael A. Vincent
Trees, deciduous, rarely woody lianas; bud enclosed within inflated base of petiole. Leaves imparipinnate; stipules absent; stipels present or absent; leaflets alternate or subopposite, membranous, entire. Paniculate racemes terminal; bracts and bracteoles caducous. Calyx campanulate; teeth 5. Corolla white (or pink); petals subequal. Stamens 10, free; filaments distinct or slightly joined at base; anthers versatile. Ovary linear-lanceolate, shortly stalked; ovules few to many; style incurved; stigmas small. Legume compressed, winged or not, tardily dehiscent. Seeds 1 to many.
Eight species: SE Asia and E North America; six species (five endemic) in China.
See the synopsis of Cladrastis by Duley and Vincent (Rhodora 105: 205-239. 2003).
1 |
Leaflets dark green adaxially, paler abaxially, stipels and bracteoles absent; legumes wingless |
(2) |
+ |
Leaflets concolorous, stipels present; bracteoles usually caducous; legume margins winged |
(3) |
2 (1) |
Leaflets ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, broadest near rounded base; flowers up to 1.5 cm; ovary pilose. |
2 C. delavayi |
+ |
Leaflets ovate or oblong-ovate, broadest at or above middle, base acute; flowers ca. 2 cm; ovary densely sericeous. |
6 C. wilsonii |
3 (1) |
Leaflets less than 4 cm, nearly membranous; panicle less than 10 cm. |
3 C. parvifolia |
+ |
Leaflets more than 4 cm, papery; panicle 15-20 cm |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Wooden lianas or climbing shrubs; wings and keels smaller than standard. |
5 C. scandens |
+ |
Trees; wings and keels larger than standard |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Stipels simple, subulate, 1 on each side of pulvinus; fruit apex and base acute; leaflets typically 11 or more. |
4 C. platycarpa |
+ |
Stipels branched and/or 2 or more on each side of pulvinus; fruit apex and base rounded; leaflets typically 9 or fewer. |
1 C. chingii |
Lower Taxa
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