16. CORYLOPSIS Siebold & Zuccarini, Fl. Jap. 1: 45. 1836 (January).
蜡瓣花属 la ban hua shu
Shrubs or small trees, deciduous or semievergreen, branches with 3 prophylls, usually stellately pubescent; buds perulate. Leaves petiolate; stipules large, membranous, usually rapidly caducous, leaving small scars; leaf blade membranous or leathery, margin serrate, venation pinnate, the 2 basal lateral veins usually with tertiary veins. Inflorescence a raceme or compact thyrse, pendent, usually open before leaves appear; peduncle with 2 or 3 basal leaves; each flower usually with 1 bract and 2 bracteoles. Flowers bisexual. Sepals 5, persistent or deciduous. Petals yellow, rounded or ovate. Stamens 5; filaments linear; anther thecae 2-sporangiate, each dehiscing by 2 valves; 5–10 nectar producing disk scales present, alternating with stamens, apex truncate or 2-lobed. sometimes 1–5 staminodes present. Ovary from almost superior to almost inferior; ovules 3 per locule, 2 of them sterile; styles short or long, stigmas capitate, persistent in fruit. Capsules ovoid-globose, woody, dehiscing loculicidally by 4 valves, with persistent styles. Seeds ellipsoid; endosperm fleshy; embryo straight. 2n = 24, 48, 72.
About 29 species: China, India, Japan, Korea; 20 species (19 endemic) in China.
Corylopsis calcicola C. Y. Wu (Fl. Yunnan. 1: 126. 1977) was described from NE Yunnan (Zhenxiong Xian), but the present authors have seen no specimens.
1 |
Ovary superior, free from floral cup, capsule separated from persistent floral cups. |
(2) |
+ |
Ovary semi-inferior, connate with floral cup. |
(4) |
2 (1) |
Floral cup, ovary and leaves abaxially stellately pubescent. |
3 C. stelligera |
+ |
Floral cup and ovary glabrous, leaves glabrous or abaxially pubescent along veins. |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Petals narrowly spatulate, 6–7 mm; styles as long as petals. |
1 C. henryi |
+ |
Petals broadly spatulate, 3–4 mm; styles less than 1/2 as long as petals. |
2 C. brevistyla |
4 (1) |
Flowers shortly pedicellate, petals narrowly oblanceolate to spatulate, 1.5–2 mm wide; capsule 12–20 mm, with conspicuously thick pedicel; buds gray-white tomentose. |
4 C. multiflora |
+ |
Flowers sessile, petals obovate or axelike, 3–4 mm wide; capsules 6–9 mm; buds mostly glabrous, occasionally pubescent (tomentose in C. rotundifolia). |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Disk scales undivided. |
(6) |
+ |
Disk scales 2-lobed. |
(8) |
6 (5) |
Inflorescences 2–5-flowered. |
5 C. pauciflora |
+ |
Inflorescences 10 or more-flowered. |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Leaf blade obovate, 3.5–5.5 cm, apex rounded; stipules 0.5–0.7 cm. |
6 C. alnifolia |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate or broadly ovate, 6–10 cm, apex shortly acute; stipules 2–3 cm. |
7 C. platypetala |
8 (5) |
Floral cup and ovary stellately pubescent. |
(9) |
+ |
Floral cup and ovary glabrous. |
(11) |
9 (8) |
Infructescences 8–9 cm, usually with 25–40 capsules, leaf blade with 10–12 lateral veins on each side. |
12 C. trabeculosa |
+ |
Infructescences 3–6 cm, usually with less than 25 capsules; leaf blade with 6–9 lateral veins on each side. |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Styles 5–7 mm, as long as or longer than petals. |
(11) |
+ |
Styles 1–2.5 mm, shorter than petals. |
(12) |
11 (10) |
Stamens shorter than petals; basal bracts of inflorescences 0.8–1 cm, abaxially pubescent. |
8 C. sinensis |
+ |
Stamens longer than petals; basal bracts of inflorescences 1–1.3 cm, abaxially glabrous. |
9 C. veitchiana |
12 (10) |
Leaf blade abaxially pubescent only along nerves; petiole ca. 1 cm; petals 6–7 × 4–5 mm; stamens 4–5 mm; styles 2–2.5 mm. |
10 C. yunnanensis |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially densely tomentose; petiole 1.5–2 cm; petals 3–4 × 3–4 mm; stamens ca. 3 mm; styles 1–1.5 mm. |
11 C. velutina |
13 |
Leaf blade abaxially pubescent, at least along nerves. |
(14) |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially glabrous or pubescent only along nerves when young. |
(17) |
14 (13) |
Styles 4–5 mm; petals 5–6 mm; peduncle almost glabrous. |
16 C. glandulifera |
+ |
Styles 1–3 mm; petals 2–3 mm; peduncle pubescent. |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Young branches and buds glabrous; capsule globose. |
15 C. microcarpa |
+ |
Young branches and buds pubescent or tomentose; capsule ovoid. |
(16) |
16 (15) |
Leaves circular or oblate; styles 1.2–1.5 mm. |
13 C. rotundifolia |
+ |
Leaves obovate; persistent styles 2–3 mm. |
14 C. obovata |
17 (13) |
Peduncle 5–7 cm, flowers and capsules pedicellate, laxly arranged. |
20 C. yui |
+ |
Peduncle 2–4 cm, flowers and capsules sessile, densely arranged. |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Petals oblanceolate, 1.5–1.7 mm wide; leaf blade abaxially pale gray. |
17 C. glaucescens |
+ |
Petals obovate, 2–3 mm wide; leaf blade abaxially green. |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Petals, stamens and styles 3 mm or more; leaf blade abaxially pubescent along nerves, apex acute. |
18 C. willmottiae |
+ |
Petals, stamens and styles 1.5–2 mm; leaf blade abaxially glabrous, apex emarginate or truncate,. |
19 C. omeiensis |
List of lower taxa
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